Monday, June 22, 2009

about time the U.S. is doing this!


Well today has been okay. My tattoo is itching like crazy but i'm at work and left the ointment at home, well i suppose that does not matter since I have no way to wash my tattoo here. The weather was nice after class so i decided to sit on a bench outside the library and was very serene.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I haven't posted in some time.  I've been forgetting about this thing too easily and well the only time I'm really sitting at a computer for more than a couple minutes seems to be when I'm at work. 
[insert me being pissed at a dumb customer here]

The only I seem to be able to do at work is nothing.  Once I try to do something, customers come in... isn't it funny how that works?

So I've been contemplating my next move in terms of body modification.   I have it down to two things: one is a piercing, the other a 3/4 sleeve.   I have dreams of both so that isn't helping me decide like it usually will.  

Speaking of dreams, my samurai dreams seem to be getting more violent.  I must have done some real fucked up shit in my previous life. 

Also, I'm starting up the Bryce Phillips needs to get in shape thing again.  I bought my own groceries because my mother seems incapable of buying healthy things- also it will help them out financially since my dad could lose his job.   I'm also working out again, going for a more tone look as opposed to bulking.