Friday, February 27, 2009


I'm considering to attempt publishing my poetry again.  I just don't know what poems I should shop around and what poems I should keep for my book and continue to rework. 

Yeah I should be sleeping.  I only slept three hours last night, but damn it's worth it.  She's worth it.   Seldom does a moment pass where some place in my brain doesn't have a flicker of her in it.  I just wish I could articulate how beautiful she is other than just telling her that she is beautiful.  

Speaking of these things...I wrote another poem about her.  


I more than likely failed my Renaissance Literature midterm today.  It was a two essay exam, which i spent 30 minutes writing a three page essay, and then the next 20 minutes writing a page and a half essay.  I suck at life. 

Work sucked.  I was freezing.  

Thursday, February 26, 2009

bird on a wire and a fuck toy

I was driving home from class a few days ago and I literally saw a bird still frozen on the telephone wires.  I've honestly never seen anything like that, then I remembered, I was in Erie County where anything can happen. 

I tried to check out off campus housing today.  I forgot to set up an appointment.  So now I'll be in Edinboro on Tuesday, my day off from everything. 

Lately I have been considering that I should quit smoking.  I feel like I get others to smoke and it makes me feel worse about what I'm doing to myself.  I'm sorry. 

On another note, I couldn't be happier with her right now.  Well I could be, but things take time.  I am just so amazed at how she makes me feel.  She makes me feel like I matter in this world and that I am somebody, not just a fuck toy. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

a dream

I had a dream last night where the whole earth was engulfed in flames and i was hanging above it.  There was some vortex trying to pull me into it.  But luckily I woke up to the music of interpol.  I tend to fall asleep with my ipod on.  

I received my assignment for my poli sci class today.  Knowing my luck I'll have to drone on and on about conservatism for ten minutes.  Woooo

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

wooo first post

Let me be forward about this, i can never keep up with these damn things.  This is the third blog i've started in a year.  So why do it you may wonder?  Well because i fill my journals up with poetry about my female companion so i need a vent for the other things.  plus this i don't if some dickwad of a person steals.  if someone steals my work i slit throats.  

I just told my mom tonight that I want to move out.  She took as well as can be expected.  I'm twenty-three but no matter how old I am, I will always be her little boy.  When she asked why I want to, she listened to my answer for once.  Perhaps my recent growth of testicular fortitude has helped me out. 

 Thank you for telling me to "grow balls".