Thursday, April 21, 2011


Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller

I was just simply floored by this novel. I've always heard great things, but it really floored me. It has been criticized for being "sloppy" and not well thought out, but in reality it was well thought out, and every sentence was carefully crafted by Miller. The sentences are just beautiful, and when you read a book, fly through a the first third of it because of the pacing, but can go back and remember every detail... well the writer did a fabulous job. Before I read the book, I was always curious as to why it was banned in this country for so long, being labelled as "obscene". Well, after reading the first few pages it is easy to see why people would have been stuffy about it. People back then, and to this day in the states, are stuffy when it comes to sex, and a good portion of the book involves prostitutes and the word "cunt".

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